Monday, December 17, 2012

World Hunger

Damn it really has been such a long time since I posted anything legit on this and I do apologize. My other blog has been keeping me slightly busy but school is really the main factor. Anyways this post I just want to touch upon world hunger. Since at the time of typing this I am too lazy and tired to look up numbers and everything so I'll just say what's on my mind about this. World hunger is something not to be dealt easily with. It is a serious matter and everyone should stop and think about it. There are lots of people out there that are less gifted and fed and sheltered than us and we really must be grateful for everything we have. These people and children need our help and something as simple as donating just one dollar can help these people in need of clean water and food. You see all these commercials and famous people about these poor places and they have reason to. The world population will just keep going up and the food sources are going to get scarcer and scarcer. Even those leftovers from dinner could make a difference. I support in helping world hunger and I encourage all of you to help make a difference but if you don't want to it's okay cause I'm forcing anyone to so yea I'll leave it at that peace

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