Friday, June 22, 2012

Giving Back

Hey guys it's been a while and I apologize. School ended just yesterday for me and all and there is absolutely nothing to do but this for now. Giving back can be viewed many different ways. For one the world is a very good example. The world has given us so many things like oxygen, water, shelter, and food. Since the earth has done all this us it's time that we give back to it. Ways to do that would be planting trees, recycling, or even walking or biking instead of taking the car out. These are just a few ways to give back to the planet that supplies us with all the stuff around us. Also giving back can apply when a friend gives us a gift. When a person gives us something all of us or at least most of us want to give them something in return to thank them.  A simple way of giving back would be to simply say thank you and maybe a hug too. If the gift is really special or you feel generous then get them a gift that the person would like. Remember everything and everyone does something for us and it's a good thing to give back, you never know, they might repay your generosity.

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